How Antioxidants Prevent Aging

by | Apr 30, 2023 | Anti-Aging

By <a href="" target="_self">Chris Burres</a>

By Chris Burres

c60 Researcher, Engineer, Inventor and Co-Founder of SES Research Inc, EST 1991.

Understanding the Mechanisms by Which Antioxidants Mitigate the Aging Process

You’re looking in the mirror getting ready for the day when you see it: another wrinkle. You try not to stress over it. It’s just another little line on your face. But as you examine your skin for more signs of aging you can’t help but wonder if antioxidants can stop them.

“They are on pretty much every label these days,” you think. “Antioxidants must be doing something right for everyone to boast about them in their product.” It’s true. While naming antioxidants as an ingredient seems like another health fad, there’s a reason more and more health food makers are using antioxidants in their products. One of the biggest reasons is aging.

If you’ve been seeing (and feeling) the effects of aging and want to know how antioxidants can help, read on to learn about Mother Nature’s own little superheroes.

Antioxidants play a crucial role in preventing aging by neutralizing harmful molecules called free radicals in the body. Aging is a complex process influenced by various factors, including genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Free radicals, however, are implicated in the aging process due to their ability to cause cellular damage.

Here’s how antioxidants help prevent aging:

  1. Neutralizing Free Radicals: Free radicals are molecules with unpaired electrons, making them highly reactive. They can damage cellular structures like proteins, lipids, and DNA. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by donating an electron, thereby stabilizing them and preventing further damage.
  2. Protecting Cellular Structures: Antioxidants help protect crucial cellular components from oxidative stress. This protection extends to the cell membrane, DNA, and other cellular structures, preserving their integrity and function.
  3. Preserving DNA Integrity: Free radical damage to DNA can lead to mutations and genomic instability, which are associated with aging and an increased risk of diseases. Antioxidants help maintain the integrity of DNA, reducing the risk of these detrimental effects.
  4. Supporting Cellular Repair and Regeneration: Antioxidants contribute to cellular repair mechanisms and promote the regeneration of damaged tissues. This helps the body recover from oxidative stress and maintain optimal functioning.
  5. Reducing Inflammation: Chronic inflammation is a hallmark of aging and various age-related diseases. Antioxidants, by neutralizing free radicals and modulating inflammatory pathways, help reduce inflammation and its detrimental effects on tissues and organs.
  6. Protecting Against Environmental Damage: Environmental factors, such as ultraviolet (UV) radiation and pollution, can generate free radicals. Antioxidants act as a defense mechanism against these external stressors, mitigating the impact of environmental damage on the skin and other tissues.
  7. Supporting Mitochondrial Function: Mitochondria, the energy-producing organelles in cells, are susceptible to oxidative damage. Antioxidants help maintain mitochondrial function, ensuring efficient energy production and reducing the likelihood of cellular dysfunction.

Common antioxidants include vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, selenium, and various phytochemicals found in fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods. A diet rich in antioxidants, combined with other healthy lifestyle choices such as regular exercise and avoiding excessive sun exposure, can contribute to the prevention of premature aging and the promotion of overall health.

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When Radicals Run Freeantioxidants

You’ve probably heard about these pesky little things called free radicals. While they sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, left unchecked these little buggers can do real harm to you and your body. How?

It has to do with something called oxidation. As we have talked about before, oxidation is the process of oxygen molecules bonding themselves to other chemicals. Have you ever left an uneaten banana on the counter only to find it sprouting brown spots a day or two later? That’s oxidation. In fact, some think that if you were to wrap plastic or some other dressing over the stem of the banana, you could slow down its oxidation.

So how does this affect me?

To get a better understanding of oxidation and free radicals, let’s first review the makeup of an atom. Whenever you see a picture of an atom you might have noticed layers of circles spinning around the center. These hula-hoop-like layers are called shells. When a shell fills up with enough electrons, another shell forms. If an atom has an incomplete outer shell with not enough atoms, it becomes unstable and searches for something to bond with. This is a free radical.

Not all free radicals are bad. They can be used within the body to help fight off invading diseases. But if the body has too many free radicals, they can set off a chain reaction that can lead to cell damage and the development of certain diseases. Having too many free radicals is called oxidative stress.

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Oxidative Stress Symptomsantioxidant

Common oxidative stress symptoms are:

Oxidative stress can happen if you’re exposed to too many pollutants, cigarette smoke, and if you eat deep-fried food regularly. Interesting, your environment and diet are not the only things that can cause oxidative stress and aging.

Have you ever felt winded after exercising? Like if you moved one more inch you’d have no breath left in you? That’s from oxidative stress. When you suddenly exert yourself after a long period of inactivity the body creates a rush of free radicals. Over time as you incorporate a work out routine into your daily life, your body will be able to handle the free radicals by creating its own antioxidants.

Oxidative stress might increase the effects of aging but antioxidants can help.

antioxidant How Antioxidants Help

By now you’re probably wondering how antioxidants can help. Like the plastic covering the stem of a banana, antioxidants can hinder or even fight oxidative stress altogether. They do this by taking one of their electrons and giving it to an unstable free radical without becoming one themselves. This act of giving an electron stabilizes the free radical and stops any damage it might cause. By having enough antioxidants in your diet you can lessen the effects of aging and stop that winded feeling after a workout.

You can find antioxidants in many fruits, veggies, and olive oil with carbon 60 (C60)

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How Antioxidants Prevent Aging | SES Research – Houston, TX